Adrian Clingher
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Missouri - St. Louis

Publications and Preprints 

On the Geometry of (1,2)-Polarized Kummer Surfaces
with A. Malmendier
50 pages (2017)

Special Function Identities from Superelliptic Kummer Varieties
with C. Doran and A. Malmendier
Asian Journal of Mathematics, Vol 21, Issue 5 (2017)
The 14th Case VHS via K3 Fibrations
with C. Doran, J. Lewis, A. Novoseltsev and A. Thompson
Recent Advances in Hodge Theory: Period Domains, Algebraic Cycles and Arithmetic,
London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes, Cambridge University Press (2016)

The Sen Limit
with R. Donagi and M. Wijnholt
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 18, Issue 3 (2014)

Lattice Polarized K3 Surfaces and Siegel Modular Forms
with C. Doran
Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 231, Issue 1 (2012).

Note on a Geometric Isogeny of K3 Surfaces
with C. Doran
International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2011, Issue 16 (2011).

Normal Forms, K3 Surface Moduli, and Modular Parametrizations
with C. Doran, J. Lewis and U. Whitcher.
Groups and Symmetries: From Neolithic Scots to John McKay,
CRM-AMS Proceedings and Lecture Notes, Vol. 47 (2009).
Modular Invariants for Lattice Polarized K3 Surfaces
with C. Doran.
Michigan Mathematical Journal, Vol. 55, Issue 2 (2007).
On K3 Surfaces with Large Complex Structure
with C. Doran.
Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 215, Issue 2 (2007).
Heterotic String Data and Theta Functions
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol 9, Issue 2, (2005).
Mathematics Aspects of F-Theory/Heterotic String Duality in Eight Dimensions
with J. W. Morgan.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 254, Issue 3, (2005).