Theoretical transient currents from two‐component unipolar space‐charge swarms in fields in media

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<div class="line" id="line-9"> <span style="font-family: Lora, serif; font-size: 20px;"> Using an arbitrary initial unipolar space&hyphen;charge distribution consisting of two species of&nbsp;charge carriers&nbsp;of different but constant&nbsp;mobilities&nbsp;in a medium, relations for the&nbsp;electric fields&nbsp;and&nbsp;charge&hyphen;carrier&nbsp;densities are derived as functions of positions and time. The highly nonlinear, one&hyphen;dimensional&nbsp;equations,&nbsp;which are derived for swarms of&nbsp;charge carriers&nbsp;between parallel plane&nbsp;electrodes&nbsp;with a fixed potential difference, include the effects of the space&hyphen;charge fields. A general method is outlined which, in principle, can be used to generate a second order&nbsp;differential equation&nbsp;whose solution predicts the time&hyphen;dependent&nbsp;current&nbsp;caused by the drifting space&hyphen;charge swarm. The general&nbsp;equations&nbsp;are applied to the special case where the initial space&hyphen;charge distributions are uniform in a solid or fluid medium. Although the resulting&nbsp;differential equation&nbsp;is complicated, the&nbsp;equation&nbsp;is in a form such that its solutions could be computer generated. </span></div>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
StatePublished - Oct 15 1988


  • Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics

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