Teacher Candidates in Context: Investigating Inquiry Learning, Self-Efficacy and Stress within Teacher Education

Sarah A. Coppersmith, Glenda McCarty

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Global changes since the 2008 economic collapse continue to impact teacher candidates worldwide who are facing unparalleled challenges as they prepare for service in educational systems experiencing reform. Research exists on college student stress, yet absent is data showing teacher candidates in relation to stress and self-efficacy as they engage in socio-constructivist inquiry learning. Teacher candidates hold employment while taking classes and serving in schools, yet research shows that cognitive practices and critical thinking are impacted by work hours. Research demonstrates that inquiry learning can be an anxiety-producing activity for professors and teacher candidates as well. Collaboratively we examined elementary teacher preparation faculty and teacher candidates on two campuses, using the SAMPI inquiry observation instrument in 8 science, social studies, and literacy methods classes with 7 accompanying professor interviews. A stress and self-efficacy scale was given to 55 teacher candidates along with 19 interviews, to answer: How do teacher candidates perceive instructors’ goals for and practice of constructivist learning situations in their teacher education programs? How does academic engagement and self-efficacy of teacher candidates relate to levels of stressors in their lives? How do teacher candidates and their education professors view teacher candidate participation in relation to outside demands on their time? Results address the inquiry teaching practices of methods professors, and include self-efficacy, stress, and inquiry indicators. Reported are participants’ perspectives of stress and self-efficacy in constructivist-based settings, with the candidates’ lived-experiences cited as bigger influences than the challenges of learning in and preparing to teach via inquiry methods.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Online Journal of Teachers in Collaboration
StatePublished - 2017


  • Inquiry learning
  • methods course
  • self-efficacy
  • stress
  • teacher candidate


  • Education

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