Reflective professional development for urban teachers through videotaping and guided assessment

Kim Song, Susan Catapano

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As a part of the United States Department of Education Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants (TQE) program, a professional development project was conducted to support selected urban teachers from a Professional Development School to think reflectively about their teaching and learning. The 24 survey items were developed based on the three domains of Danielson’s teaching practice. Using the survey, the eight participating teachers and 15 external reviewers were asked to assess the videotaped teaching performances three times. The main goal of the study was to examine
if the participants would improve their reflective thinking skills using structured reflective tools, i.e., videotaping, the assessment rubrics, reflective writing guidelines, coaching and the reflective practice model. In addition the study examined if there were any significant differences in the three ratings. The results indicated that several items showed the significances among the ratings, and half of the participants evolved to the stage of evaluation, creating new schemata.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Inservice Education
StatePublished - Feb 1 2008


  • Reflective Thinking Skill Development
  • Video Analysis for Self-Assessment
  • Reflective Coaching


  • Education
  • Educational Methods
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Nursing
  • Psychology

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