Phase Transition Enthalpy Measurements of Organic and Organometallic Compounds. Sublimation, Vaporization and Fusion Enthalpies From 1880 to 2015. Part 1. C1 − C10

William E. Acree, James S. Chickos

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A compendium of phase change enthalpies published in 2010 is updated to include the period 1880–2015. Phase change enthalpies including fusion, vaporization, and sublimation enthalpies are included for organic, organometallic, and a few inorganic compounds. Part 1 of this compendium includes organic compounds from C 1  to C 10 . Part 2 of this compendium, to be published separately, will include organic and organometallic compounds from C 11  to C 192 . Sufficient data are presently available to permit thermodynamic cycles to be constructed as an independent means of evaluating the reliability of the data. Temperature adjustments of phase change enthalpies from the temperature of measurement to the standard reference temperature,  T  = 298.15 K, and a protocol for doing so are briefly discussed.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
StatePublished - Jan 9 2016


  • Physical Chemistry

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