On the geometry of generalized quadrics

N. Mohan Kumar, Prabhakar Rao, G. V. Ravindra

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Let  {f0,…,fn;g0,…,gn}  be a sequence of homogeneous polynomials in  2n+2  variables with no common zeros in  P2n+1  and suppose that the degrees of the polynomials are such that  Q=∑i=0nfigi  is a homogeneous polynomial. We shall refer to the hypersurface  X  defined by  Q  as a  generalized quadric . In this note, we prove that generalized quadrics in  PC2n+1  for  n≥1  are reduced.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra
StatePublished - Mar 2007


  • Computer Sciences

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