Objective and Subjective Measurement of Sleep Disturbance in Female Trauma Survivors with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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Sleep disturbance may be the most often endorsed symptom of  posttraumatic stress disorder  (PTSD). Much of this research is based on  subjective reports  from trauma survivors; however, objective measures of sleep-related impairment have yielded findings inconsistent with self-report data. More studies investigating subjective and objective assessments concordantly are needed to understand sleep impairment in  PTSD . The current study examined PTSD-related sleep disturbance in a female  interpersonal violence cohort with full PTSD diagnoses ( N =51) assessing subjective (global and daily diary measures) and objective (actigraphy) sleep measures concurrently. PTSD severity was positively associated with global, subjective reports of sleep impairment and insomnia. Subjective measures of sleep (including global sleep impairment, insomnia, and daily sleep diary reports of total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and sleep onset latency) were moderately to strongly correlated. However, no significant correlations between subjective and objective reports of sleep impairment were found in this cohort. Analyses demonstrated an overall elevation in subjectively reported sleep impairment when compared to objective measurement assessed concurrently. Findings demonstrate a lack of agreement between subjective and objective measurements of sleep in a PTSD-positive female cohort, suggesting objective and subjective sleep impairments are distinct sleep parameters that do not necessarily directly co-vary.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalPsychiatry Research-neuroimaging
StatePublished - Jan 6 2016


  • Psychiatry
  • Psychology

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