Morphology and genetics concur that Anoura carishina is a synonym of Anoura latidens (Chiroptera, Glossophaginae)

Camilo A. Calderón-Acevedo, Miguel E. Rodríguez-Posada, Nathan Muchhala

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Anoura carishina  was described based on cranial and dental morphology, but the original analyses did not include  Anoura latidens , a similar species of  Anoura . We used morphological, morphometric, and genetic analyses to evaluate the taxonomic identity of  A. carishina.  We performed a principal components analysis to evaluate the correspondence between morphological and taxonomic groups for 260 specimens of large-bodied  Anoura  ( A. carishina Anoura geoffroyi A. latidens , and  Anoura peruana ), and statistically analyzed traits diagnostic for  A. latidens , including (1) morphology of the third upper premolar (P 4 ), (2) size of the second (P 3 ) and third (P 4 ) upper premolars, and (3) angle formed by the maxillary toothrows. We find that  A. latidens  and  A. carishina  are indistinguishable, and share several characters lacking in  A. geoffroyi , including a P 4  with triangular shape, an under-developed anterobasal cusp in the P 3 , a smaller braincase, and a shorter rostrum. Phylogenetic analyses using ultra-conserved elements infer that the holotype and two paratype specimens of  A. carishina  are paraphyletic and nested within  A. latidens , while one paratype diagnosable by morphology as  A. geoffroyi  nests within  A. geoffroyi  samples. We demonstrate that  A. carishina  should be considered a junior synonym of  A. latidens , updating the distribution of the latter.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2021


  • South America
  • broad-toothed tailless bat
  • systematics
  • taxonomy
  • ultra-conserved elements


  • Biology

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