Manifesting multidimensional creativity in a technology‐mediated online TESOL practicum course

Kim Song, Sujin Kim, Yuyang Zhao, Kim Song

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<div class="line" id="line-13"> <span style='color: rgb(28, 29, 30); font-family: "Open Sans", icomoon, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;'> This qualitative case study examined how creativity was manifested in a technology&hyphen;mediated online TESOL practicum course with six in&hyphen;service teachers in a midwestern U.S. teacher education program. The study defines creativity as ability to explore, adapt, take risks, collaborate, communicate, reflect on, and innovate with novel, unpredictable, and appropriate resources. To examine a research question of how creativity was manifested in an online practicum course, two main data sets were analyzed: VoiceThread projects (talks and texts) and final papers. Findings are presented under each of three themes of creativity in action: creativity as collaborative critical reflection, creativity transformed as new pedagogy, and creativity mediated by technology. First, creativity was exercised as collaborative participation by which practicum students shared ideas, suggestions, and resources through a high&hyphen;level reflexivity among peers through guided feedback. Second, creativity was translated as new linguistically and culturally responsive teaching&hyphen;oriented pedagogical plans and practices. Finally, innovative use of the instructional technology&mdash;teaching videos and VoiceThread&mdash;was the key to enhancing teachers&rsquo; critical and transformative view of their own teaching and to increasing opportunities to learn in a safe and collaborative communal space. </span></div>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalTESOL Journal
StatePublished - May 19 2013


  • Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction

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