Long Paths in the Distance Graph over Large Subsets of Vector Spaces over Finite Fields

David Covert, Michael Bennett, Jonathan Chapman, Derrick Hart, Alex Iosevichc, Jonathan Pakianathan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<div class="line" id="line-5"> Let E&sub;Fdq, the d-dimensional vector space over a finite field with q elements. Construct a graph, called the distance graph of E, by letting the vertices be the elements of E and connect a pair of vertices corresponding to vectors x,y&isin;E by an edge if ||x&minus;y||=(x1&minus;y1)2+&ctdot;+(xd&minus;yd)2=1. We shall prove that if the size of E is sufficiently large, then the distance graph of E contains long non-overlapping paths and vertices of high degree.</div>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of the Korean Mathematical Society
StatePublished - May 31 2014


  • Computer Sciences
  • Mathematics

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