Implementation of Sleep Assessment Questionnaire in College Health and Counseling Visits: A Quality Improvement Pilot

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Sleep deprivation or sub-optimal sleep hygiene in college students has profound implications. Decreased cognitive performance, increased depression or mood concerns, higher rates of usage of alcohol or marijuana to compensate for poor sleep are all interconnected. The American College Health Survey (2011) results indicated that students do not receive support or education on the importance of sleep habits from their schools or medical providers. This DNP project explored two areas of interest. The first was a change in patient interview protocol as a quality improvement project in UMSL University Health, Wellness, Counseling & Disability Access Services (UHWC&DAS). The second area of interest explored a qualitative evaluation of the clinicians’ experience of having a sleep assessment questionnaire imbedded in an electronic health record (EHR) for college health and counseling visits. The questionnaire was developed to aid the provider in streamlining education and discussions with individual students based on their initial responses, thus improving the quality of services offered in UHWC&DAS. Subjects were the doctoral prepared health & counseling providers in UHWC&DAS. A focus group was completed at the end of the study to explore the subjects’ experience and feedback. This data was collected using qualitative descriptive methodology. Quantitative data was collected & evaluated from the electronic medical record. Results: Qualitative descriptive methodology indicated clinicians found the sleep questionnaire useful, time efficient, and user-friendly. Further streamlining of the sleep assessment questionnaire would aid in continued use for clinicians. Quantitative results indicated that student sleep habits are less than ideal, and subsequent education/interventions could be assets in assisting students develop improved sleep hygiene habits.

Original languageAmerican English
Awarding Institution
  • Nancy Magnuson, DSN, Advisor, External person
  • [No Value], magnusonn, Advisor, External person
StatePublished - Dec 12 2016


  • college students
  • electronic health record
  • sleep hygiene
  • sleep questionnaire


  • Nursing

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