Hybrid Exponential-Hyperbolic Discounting and Growth Without Commitment

Christopher Tsoukis, Frédéric Tournemaine, Max Gillman

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<div class="line" id="line-15"> We analyse the time&hyphen;consistent intertemporal behaviour of an individual who discounts the future hyperbolically (HD) in the absence of commitment. In continuous&hyphen;time, we extend Barro's (Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 114 (1999), pp. 1125&ndash;1152) analysis of a &lsquo;sophisticated&rsquo; present&hyphen;bias in a deterministic setup and characterize consumption in an analytically tractable way. Furthermore, we embed this analysis into a &lsquo;flexible AK&rsquo; model. Greater present bias increases the consumption&hyphen;capital ratio, decreases the steady&hyphen;state growth rate, while it increases the interest rate&hyphen;growth rate wedge. Dynamically, as the interest rate fluctuates over the business cycle, a greater present bias causes the consumption&hyphen;output ratio to be more procyclical and volatile, thus helping to resolve the &lsquo;consumption&hyphen;output puzzle&rsquo;. In the transitional dynamics, greater present bias causes a lower steady state capital stock. All of these effects are only present or at least more pronounced under HD than present value&hyphen;equivalent exponential discounting.</div>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalThe Manchester School
StatePublished - Dec 1 2017


  • Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Business

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