Application of Signature Strengths at Work: A Dual-level Analysis

Stephanie Merritt, Kelli Huber, Timothy Bartkoski

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Each individual possesses character strengths, the most significant of which are classified as  signature strengths . With a sample of 164 individuals who were employed at least part-time in a variety of industries, we examined application of signature strengths and well-being both between-persons (global) and within-persons (daily). Global application of signature strengths was associated with global job satisfaction and strain; however, no significant mediation effects on intent to turnover were found. We also found that  daily  variations in application of signature strengths were related to daily job satisfaction and strain. Common method bias associated with trait positive and negative affect differed by level of analysis: At the between-person (global) level, trait affect produced substantial inflation of estimates, but at the within-person (daily) level, inflation was negligible. The results suggest the importance of daily opportunities to apply signature strengths and of accounting for variance attributable to trait affect in between-person analyses.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalThe Journal of Positive Psychology
StatePublished - Sep 23 2018


  • Psychology
  • Psychiatry and Psychology

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