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UMSL Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
McCuddy, T. (PI) & Esbensen, F.-A. (CoI)
1/1/18 → …
Project: Research project
Research Board Grant
Ellis, R. (PI)
University of Missouri - St. Louis
1/1/18 → …
Project: Research project
A Behavioral Examination of Conflicting Incentives
Cadenbach, A.
University of Missouri-St Louis Research Award
1/1/17 → …
Project: Research project
A Behavioral Examination of Conflicting Incentives
Hupman, A. (PI)
University of Missouri-St Louis Research Award
1/1/17 → …
Project: Research project
Enhancing Capacity for Mental Health Research and Care in Cambodia
Bruce, S. (PI) & Paul, R. (CoI)
National Institute of Mental Health
1/1/17 → …
Project: Research project
UMSL Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
Taylor, T. J. (CoI) & Wiley, F.-A. E. E. D. L. A. S. K. T. M. V. S. (CoI)
1/1/16 → …
Project: Research project
UMSL Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
Esbensen, F.-A. (CoI) & Slocum, L. (CoI)
1/1/16 → …
Project: Research project
Technology Delivered Mindfullness-based Stress Reduction for Young Breast Cancer Survivors and their Partners
Records, K. (PI), Barton-Burke, M. (CoI), Benntencourt, A. (CoI), Chang, A. L. (CoI) & Cheng, M. (CoI)
1/1/15 → …
Project: Research project
Form and Function of Order and Disorder in the South Bronx: A Ten-year Follow-up
Slocum, L. (PI)
UMSL College of Arts and Sciences
1/1/15 → …
Project: Research project
Families Learning about Recovery Strategies (FLARES)
Wamser-Nanney, R. A. (PI), Dunn, J. (CoI) & Galovski, T. (CoI)
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
1/1/14 → …
Project: Research project
"Unpacking" the Ecology of Trauma: Does Bereavement Incrementally Predict Suicide Risk in Youth Receiving Trauma Services?
Wamser-Nanney, R. A. (PI) & Kaplow, J. B. (CoI)
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
1/1/13 → …
Project: Research project
Implementing a four-day school week
Varkey, S. (PI) & -, A. M. M. (CoI)
1/1/21 → 1/1/21
Project: Research project
Evaluating the Impact of Four-Day Weeks in Missouri Schools
Varkey, S. (PI)
1/1/21 → 1/1/21
Project: Research project
The Geographic and Demographic Distribution of Campaign Contributions and Access to Local Government
Varkey, S. (PI)
Creating Whole Communities Research and Implementation Grant Program
1/1/21 → 1/1/22
Project: Research project
Optimizing Drone Use in Vaccine Supply Chains for Less-developed Regions
Campbell, J. (PI) & Li, H. (CoI)
1/1/19 → 1/1/22
Project: Research project
Can Drones Help Optimize the Vaccine Supply Chain?
Campbell, J. (PI)
University of Missouri Research Board
1/1/19 → 1/1/19
Project: Research project
Interspecific Pollen Transfer and Gene Flow During the Rapid Diversification of Bat-pollinated Burmeistera (Campanulacae)
Muchhala, N. (PI)
University of Missouri - St. Louis
1/1/18 → 1/1/18
Project: Research project
Translation of articles and papers on medieval heresy by Herbert Grundmann
Rowan Ph.D., S. (PI)
1/1/17 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
The Influence of Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema on Women's Return to Work
Sun, Y. (PI)
Toni and Jim Sullivan Endowed Research Fund
1/1/17 → 1/1/18
Project: Research project
Knowing Reality
Dunaway, W. (PI)
University of Missouri Research Board
1/1/17 → 1/1/18
Project: Research project
Strengthening Equity and Effectiveness for Teachers of English Learners (SEE-TEL)
Song, K. (PI), Dorner, L. (CoI) & Kim, S. (CoI)
Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), US Department of Education
1/1/17 → 1/1/22
Project: Research project
Intimate Partner Violence among Romantic Couples
Kuijpers, K. (PI)
College of Arts & Sciences, University of Missouri-St. Louis
1/1/17 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Creating a Combined Online Course of Content-based Curriculum Development for English Learners in CANVAS
Song, K. (PI)
University of Missouri-St. Louis eLearning Program
1/1/17 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
An Innovative, Flexible, and Multi-purpose Lab Environment for Fostering Hands-on Skills Development in Cybersecurity Education
Khan, S. A. (PI), Bhatia, S. (CoI) & Pan, J. (CoI)
1/1/17 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
St. Louis College of Arts and Sciences Research Grant
Olin, L. (PI)
1/1/17 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
St. Louis Office of Research Administration Junior Faculty Travel Grant
Olin, L. (PI)
1/1/17 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
How Drugs, Crime and Criminal Justice Involvement Influence the Lives and Deaths of an Urban African American Cohort Followed For 45 Years
Doherty, E. (CoI) & Green, K. M. (CoI)
National Institute of Drug Abuse
1/1/17 → 1/1/20
Project: Research project
Intercampus Course Sharing Development Grant for "Blind Spots"
Olin, L. (PI), Ariew, A. (CoI), Piccinnini, G. (CoI) & Robbins, P. (CoI)
1/1/17 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Crime, Law, and Urban Change in a Global Context
Kuijpers, K. (PI) & Vogel, M. (CoI)
College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Missouri-St. Louis
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Is Speciation Faster in the Tropics? Effects on Seasonality and Mutualists on Plant Genetic Structure
Muchhala, N. (PI)
University of Missouri - St. Louis
1/1/16 → 1/1/16
Project: Research project
Transitioning Premature Infants to Direct Exclusive Breastfeeding
Bozzette, M. (PI)
1/1/16 → 1/1/16
Project: Research project
“Symposium on Women and Careers in Supply Chain Management
Cadenbach, A.
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Evaluating the Law Enforcement, Prosecutor, and Court Response to Firearm-related Crimes in St. Louis
Rosenfeld, R. (PI)
1/1/16 → 1/1/18
Project: Research project
Strategic Design for Delivery with Linked Transportation Assets: Trucks and Drones
Campbell, J. (PI) & Sweeney, D. (CoI)
U.S. Department of Transportation; Midwest Transportation Center, UMSL
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
Doherty, E. (CoI) & Esbensen, F. (CoI)
1/1/16 → 1/1/19
Project: Research project
Transitioning Premature Infants to Direct Exclusive Breastfeeding
Bozzette, M. (PI)
University of Missouri-St. Louis Research Board
1/1/16 → 1/1/16
Project: Research project
Stigma and Distress in LGB Persons: A Meta-analysis
Kashubeck-West, S. (PI)
University of Missouri Research Board
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Creating a Graduate Online Course of Building Character and Competence with Diverse Learners in Blackboard 9.1: Character Education, Special Education, and English Language Education
Song, K. (PI), Bredemeier, B. (CoI) & Regester, A. (CoI)
University of Missouri-St. Louis eLearning Program
1/1/16 → 1/1/16
Project: Research project
St. Louis College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant
Olin, L. (PI)
1/1/16 → 1/1/16
Project: Research project
Identifying Risk and Protective Factors in Black Families of Toddlers with Developmental Delays
Gerstein, E. (PI)
College of Arts and Sciences Research Award
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Symposium on Women and Careers in Supply Chain Management
Hupman, A. (PI)
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
CARMA 2: Collaborations for Advanced Research Methods
Records, K. (PI)
1/1/16 → 1/1/19
Project: Research project
UMSL Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
McCuddy, T. (PI) & Esbensen, F.-A. (CoI)
1/1/16 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project