Personal profile


Dr. Ed Bennett was previously Assistant Dean for Student Services and Alumni Relations at the University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry. He retired after 37+ years of service. Dr. Bennett is currently Executive Director of the Gas Permeable (GP) Lens Institute, the educational division of the Contact Lens Manufacturers Association (CLMA) and also currently serves as Chair of the Contact Lens and Cornea Section Council of the American Optometric Association(AOA). He is a Diplomate and is a past Chair for the Cornea, Contact Lens and Refractive Technologies Section of the American Academy of Optometry. 

He is also a Fellow in the Scleral Lens Education Society and recently inducted as a Distinguished Fellow in the National Academies of Practice.  He has authored over 200 publications including 13 texts and lectured at over 340 scientific and continuing education symposia.  He is a recipient of the Dr. Josef Dallos Award (CLMA), the Achievement Award (AOA Contact Lens and Cornea Section), the Dr. Leonard Bronstein Memorial Award, the Global Specialty Lens Symposium Award of Excellence, the Annual Kevin Tuohy Memorial Award (CLSA), the University of Houston College of Optometry Award for Distinguished Research on the Cornea and Contact Lenses, the University of Missouri-St. Louis Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, the American Optometric Foundation Michael G. Harris Award for Excellence in Optometric Education, the National Keratoconus Foundation Ambassador Award, and The Dr. R.A. Koetting Memorial Award from the St. Louis Optometric Society. 

He was named one of the 50 most influential optometrists in America by Optometric Management and recently was honored as one of the 30 most influential in contact lenses in the last 30 years by Contact Lens Spectrum. He is on the Education Committee of the Global Specialty Lens Symposium.  He is the Clinical Features Editor for Contact Lens Spectrum, an Editorial Review Board member for Review of Optometry, and an Editorial Board Member for Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses. His research interests primarily pertain to rigid gas permeable contact lenses including scleral and multifocal lenses. 

Contact Information

Phone: 314-516-6258
Fax: 314-516-6708

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Education/Academic qualification

Optometry, PhD, Indiana University - Bloomington


Research Interests

  • Contact Lenses
  • Contact Lens Manufacturing
  • Refractive Technology
  • Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses
  • Scleral and Multifocal Lenses
  • SMART - Stabilizing Myopia by Accelerated Re-shaping Techniques


  • Optometry