Personal profile


Her research focuses on the selection and interpretation of entertainment media.  She is interested in how audiences make sense of mediated stories and in how these interpretive processes affect the stories’ influence on the audiences’ views of the world. She has studied perceptions of reality programs, how audiences evaluate the realism of fictional media, and the factors that contribute to audiences’ involvement in stories. Her work has been published in leading journals, including the Journal of Communication, Media Psychology, and the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.  Dr. Hall’s teaching focuses on mass communication theory.

Contact Information

Phone: (314) 516-6662

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Education/Academic qualification

Communication, PhD, University of Pennsylvania


Communication, MA, University of Pennsylvania


English, BA, Trinity College


Research Interests

  • Media Effects
  • Media Multitasking
  • Reality TV
  • Audience Interpretation of Media
  • Media Fandom


  • Communication